Disclaimer & Contact Info

The posts on this blog contain MY opinions, unless you comment (then yours are there too, just try to keep them friendly and vaguely positive/neutral please).

 I am not an expert of any sort, nor am I affiliated to any Cosmetic, Beauty or Fashion company.

I like to use adjectives and exclaimation points  (you have been warned!!!).

I try to take my own photographs but on the off chance that I don't, I will CLEARLY credit the source (after obtaining permission to do so). If you want to use my Pictures, please contact me to obtain permission. 

If you would like me to review your products or you have any questions then you can contact me at gwtse@live.ie (also this is the only address I will use to contact you). 

If I am sent a product to review I will state so CLEARLY. I may not review every product I am sent.

Again: All opinions are my own.

Lastly... have a happy day :)

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